Heritage & Responsibility

Providing litigation expertise since 1921.

Running a successful business depends on receiving the expected compensation for your goods and services. Unfortunately, not every client or customer makes good on those obligations. Sometimes, a company is simply poorly organized and slow to pay because processes are lacking or the business is understaffed. In other cases, the customer may be experiencing financial difficulties, juggling debts, and prioritizing financial obligations in a way that does not benefit your company.

Occasionally, a customer or vendor may refuse to pay as the result of a dispute or alleged failure on your part, or the debtor company may be entirely insolvent, dissolving, or in bankruptcy.

Your options for collecting those past-due debts and the best approach for recovery depends on a variety of factors. An experienced debt collection attorney is in the best position to assess the situation, advise you as to how best to proceed and, if debt collection litigation is your best course of action, to represent you as you pursue that litigation.

Assessing the Value of Debt

There is much more to determining the value of an outstanding debt than simply looking at the number on the unpaid invoice. Prioritizing uncollected debts also requires factoring in both the likelihood of and the expense of collecting on those debts. Thus, an experienced debt collection litigation attorney will assess the debtor’s cash flow and assets in determining which debts to pursue first and how much to invest in those efforts.

In some cases, a settlement for partial payment may turn out to be more profitable than litigation in pursuit of full payment. In others, where there are assets to attach or there is reason to believe that the debtor has liquid resources from which to make payment if pressure is applied, a debt collection lawsuit may be the best approach.

Over 100 Years of Experience